This page hosts the anthologies which accompany the three-part touring exhibition based on our research findings. In August 2019, ‘Literature in the Factories & Mills’ and ‘Literature in the Mines’ opened in Dundee and Motherwell, and in January 2019 ‘Literature in the Factories & Mills’ moved to New Lanark, and then to Bradford Industrial Museum in autumn 2021. It will move to Quarry Bank Mill in spring 2022. ‘Literature in the Mines’ will be on display at the Working-Class Movement Library in Salford in late autumn/winter 2021, and at the Scottish National Mining Museum in late spring 2022. ‘Literature on the Railways’ is on display in the Search Engine at the Railway Museum in York from autumn 2021. These short anthologies give full versions of some of the poems cited in the exhibition, or poems by poets mentioned on the exhibition banners. If you would like an individual hard copy or set of hard copies for educational purposes, we can supply these, email Kirstie Blair or our project email address with your request.
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